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Momentum is key to business growth. When you’re moving forward and good things are happening, it can feel almost effortless. One action leads to the next, and you’re achieving results at a rapid pace.

But what if you had a good run, and you’re now feeling a little stuck? It could be that you’re suffering from inertia. It’s very real and can be very destructive. I work with businesses every day, and even the most seasoned leaders experience inertia from time to time.

The good news is that there’s always a way out — it depends on you. The key is to get moving. Shake things up and make choices that force you out of your state of stuck. Take these five steps to break through inertia and get your wheels rolling again:

 – Get specific about what you want to accomplish. What do you want to do, and what does success mean? In creating your goal, ask yourself, “What does that look like?” And be specific about your answer! Avoid using words like “less” or “more” —those terms mean nothing.

 – Plan it out. What steps are necessary to reach your goal? How will you ensure your success? Write it all out and indicate when you plan to complete each step. Set dates for completion and stick to them.

 – Ask what might get in your way. If you set a goal, but you don’t think about potential obstacles, you’re setting yourself up for failure. For example, if you want to go to the gym three times a week at 5 a.m., but haven’t considered that you may be needed at home to help with child care, you’re probably not going to the gym. Get real about any hurdles that might get in the way of achieving your goal, so you can work around those circumstances and find your best path to success.

 – Make yourself accountable. It can be easy to tell yourself that you’re going to do something, but if you make your intentions public, it’s much tougher to make excuses and abandon your commitments.

 – Do it now! There’s no time to waste and there’s a lot of power in the present moment. No matter how small the first step is, make every effort to take it immediately. Demonstrate to yourself and others that you’re committed to the process and you’re ready to move forward. In the words of Lao Tzu, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Take that step as soon as you can.

I’m a big Yoda fan, and I quote him a lot. Here’s my favorite line of his: “There is no try … only do.” Trying won’t get you anywhere. Set your goal, figure out how to meet it, and really do it. Anything else will stop your momentum in its tracks and lead to inertia (or the Dark Side, as Yoda might put it).

Everything you’ve dreamed of for your life and for your business is possible. Take these five steps. Put in the time and effort to push past your inertia. The finish line is just around the corner.